Monday, April 28, 2008

Why is it called "An Inconvenient Truth"?

It's called "An Inconvenient Truth" because it's true problem facing the world but the biggest problem is that nobody wants to hear about this problem or doing anything to solve this problem because we like our lifestyle and we don’t want to bother ourselves to solve this problem or change anything in our life.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Critical Thinking PowerPoint

My Reaction on An Inconvenient Truth Movie

The movie made a big impact on how I think. I now rethink when I want to go out for a drive, because I make a big difference in the atmosphere when I emit CO2 just moving around the city. I want to make some differences in the way I live and try to change other people also. When I heard about this new city called Masdar City, I didn’t think it was very important, but AlGore changed my mind. I am really proud to be in a country that made a CO2 free city, and clean technology, and they also use solar energy.

An Inconvenient Truth Summary

In the movie An Inconvenient Truth the former United States vice president Al Gore speaks about one of the most important things in our life which is "Global Warming". Al Gore also detects his predictions regarding climate change and its potential for catastrophe. Al Gore also mentioned a lot of important points in his movie like the natures beauty when he starts his movie with the river scene. But the most important point that he stated in his movie were the risks of global warming because it is causing a lot of damage to nature, such as melting glaciers throughout the world which had an adverse impact on water levels and seas throughout the world by raising the sea levels by approximately 20 feet which flood coastal areas and produc 100 million refugees. The melting glaciers also have bad effect on the animals that live in the Antarctic and cold regions because of the high temperature. The movie shows us that the human are responsible of global warming, for example, when we use the vehicles, it produces CO2 which causes global warming. Al Gore also show us in his movie that a lot of places have been changing over the time especially the lakes, rivers and springs which causes a lot of problems for the people who live near them. He also mentioned another problem when his sister died from lung cancer, then his father realized his mistake and he stop growing tobacco, so Al Gore wanted to show us that the people should learn from their mistakes and start to change. Finally, Al Gore also spoke about some possible solutions that can solve the global warming problem.

My Reaction on Blood Diamonds Movie

This movie has a very strong story of what minor things have more value than what we think. We take things for granted and we don’t know how people suffer to get it. The hero in the movie shows the value of family and hard work. And sometimes we make people suffer more so we could feel better. Because sometimes the money go to the military that take over countries and take away peoples freedom. And the hero shows the true meaning of a true father. He would not let go of his son and family and didn’t give up on his country.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008