Monday, March 10, 2008


In this report I will write about one of the most famous countries in the Middle East, this country is "Lebanon" or as it's called in the bible "the land of milk and honey". Lebanon is one of the most beautiful countries in Asia and it has some wonderful sites there. Lebanon's capital is Beirut or as it's known there "Paris of the East".

Lebanon is a small country but it has a good location because it's placed in the heart of the Middle East, and it's surrounded of some famous countries like Syria, Turkey, Cyprus Jordan and Palestine or as its known now as new Israel. Lebanon has suffered a lot from the wars because there were long civil wars during the 1975 until 1990. Lebanon also has a bad history between the people who live there because there were problems and tensions between the Muslims and the Christian who lived there. This problem starts in 1943 when the Lebanese Christians held more power on running the country more than the Lebanese Muslims. Unfortunately this problem boiled over when some Christian group called "The Phalange" attacked and killed a bus full of Palestinian in Beirut which leaded to vengence. These wars causes a lot of damages to the country because there were about 150000-200000 people killed during the civil war and 300000 were wounded, a lot of people left the country. Away from the wars and problems, Lebanon also is related to some famous stars like the singer Shakira who's half-Lebanese and the famous actor Keanu Reeves who was born there.

Nowadays Lebanon lives in peace after the Israeli army pulled out in 2000, and in 2005 Syrian forces also pulled out after 29 years of occupation. Although there were problems and tensions between Muslims and Christians in the past, now they used to live together in an amazing mixture of backgrounds and religious groups. But now there are new problem faced the Lebanese which is the living there now is very expensive and there are air pollution.

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