Monday, May 26, 2008

My Profile

In the beginning let me talk about my self. My name is Khalifa Mohamed Salem AL-Hosani and I was born in Abu Dhabi in 07\11\1988. I lived all my life in AL-Shahama City which is located in the middle of the road between Abu Dhabi and Dubai. When I was child I spent a lot of time to play and have fun with my friends in the Kindergartens and with my Neighbors and especially with my brothers. I don't remember a lot of thing when I was child but I think I spent a wonderful time because all what I was thinking of is have fun so I think I was selfish because I was always thinking about my self like all the children. I have a big family because I have three brothers and six sisters and I am the smallest one, some people will find this strange because we are big family but I think I am lucky to have eight brothers because some people doesn’t have any brothers. All my sisters are married and they had children and my biggest brother married also, but my older brother is still study like me but I am studying in the college and he studying in the university.

When I was a teenager, a lot of things have changed, such as my feelings, the modes of my thinking and my way to speak with people even my way to communicate with people. I started trying to rely on myself to let my family know that I am a big man now. The worst thing at this stage of my life is that I spent a longer time with my friends outside the home and away from my family and we used to go to many places and trips, so my family was always worried about me of being in one of the problems or troubles because I was away from them but I was very careful to don't make any troubles. Although I like to have fun and go outside my home I try my best keep my relationships with my family excellent because we care about each others and I love all my family. In fact, I care also about my duties in the live and my future which including my studies so I organized my time to make the balance between work and fun times.

I have traveled to few places and all of them were in the gulf countries like Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait which it was my favorite country. I went to Saudi Arabia, Oman and Qatar when I was children so I don't know much information about them, but I went to Kuwait several times so I know many things about Kuwait like the weather, their people, their customs and traditions and their famous places. In fact I used to go to Kuwait once every year at least because I have relatives there and I like to visit them every year. My last visit to Kuwait was in the last summer and I stayed there two weeks. On the other hand I like to go in many trips especially here in the United Arab Emirates because there are many beautiful places here.

There are many things I would like to do it in my free time such as watching movies, watching football matches, play playstation2 or play computer games even swimming if I have enough time to go to the sea. Watching football matches is my best favorite hobby especially Real Madrid matches because I love this club from a very long time and because he is the best club in the world. Although I have watched hundreds of movies but I would never forget two movies which I consider them as my best two movies and the two movies is The Gladiator and 300. If I hade the chance I would love to learn about designing websites and pictures because I would love to have a website and design it.

When I was children some thing happened to me and has influenced in my life and that’s I conducted surgery in my head. One day, while I was at home with my brother we heard voice one of small cats on the roof of our house and we were children and we were love the animals so we decided to help the small cat. Then we climbed the roof of the house and in the middle of the way to the house roof I decided to go to the ground because I was afraid of my father becomes angry and punished me, But In a strange way my feet slipped and I fell down on my head and I was serious injury. After a few minutes my brother took me quickly to the hospital where I conducted surgery after I has lost a lot of blood, after a few hours I finish my surgery and I was very happy because I was still a live and I thanks my god because I was still alive. Since that accident, I become very afraid of the high places.

In the future I want to be a businessman because I think when I will finish my education and get some experience then I can do the business in all over the world even I can travel wherever I want and start my business. If I could change anything in the UAE I would like to change the Oil prices which it have become very expensive prices compared with the prices in the gulf countries.


Ahmed Al Hamed said...

I am am so happy that i got to know the person a lot more, he is in my collage but i didn't really know him much, but one friend said that he has a blog go see it and it was a cool blog. i hope you see mine too khalifa. i will post it later ok.

ِAli Al Hammadi said...

nice profile Khalifa

I hope you become what you want in the future and change the oil prices because it will cause a big problem if it keep rising every few years.