Monday, May 26, 2008

My Carbon Footprint

Nowadays there are some new problems which emerged with the technology and the development. Some of these new problems threaten our societies which mean we should move quickly and try to solve it very fast. One of these dangerous problems is the carbon footprint which is the marks that the Human left when they do their activities in and effect on the pollution, it is also known as greenhouse gases, usually reported as weight of carbon dioxide. As a growing people we should help to solve these problems. In this essay I will write about some of my activities which effects on the environments and make the carbon footprint, and also I will talk about some of my possible solutions.

Unfortunately, I do a lot of activities that contribute on the carbon footprint like driving me car for long hours which harm the atmosphere by emitting CO2 while I move around the city. Another harmful activity for the environment is that I use the technology a lot like spending a lot of hours on the computer or letting the A.C working for long hours. Also, in the past i burned some of the trash in the family farm which is contributes on the pollution.

On the other hand, there are also a lot of possible solutions. One of these solution is that I will stop burning anything forever because now I know I could contributes on the pollution unintentionally. Another solution is that I will not drive my car like I used to in the past and I will drive it only when I really need it. Yet another solution is that I could tell my family and my friends about the danger of the global warming and how it's contributes on the pollution.

In conclusion, I think we could solve any problem that face us if we stand together and try our best because it's never too late.

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