Thursday, June 5, 2008


Conclusion – "We'll save the planet only if we're forced to" – my opinion.

The damages that are done in the world is caused by us, and I don’t think we will realize the threat were in, I think we will only try to stop only if realize by falling in a problem ourselves. I mean were trying to stop global warming because it already started happening. We should prevent, Better Safe than Sorry I always say.

One Planet Living

1- Zero Carbon
Human is the biggest reason for the change in he atmosphere due to high CO2 freed into the air.

2- Zero Waste
Our valuable earth is losing its value when we dispose of waste into it.

3- Sustainable Transport
Cars and other automobiles is a big effect to the atmosphere.

4- Local and Sustainable Materials
The earth is damaged with the machines we use to construct and develop our city. This we decrease the natural benefits we get.

5- Local and sustainable food
The foods we get from farm are not 100% natural due to the new tech development due to in agriculture. This will affect the ecosystem.
6- Sustainable water
Because of the high pollution, the effect to the atmosphere affects the hydrological system that makes the water insufficient to human needs

7- Natural Habitats and wildlife
We over-exploit our natural resources that will result in loss of biodiversity.

8- Culture and heritage
Local cultural heritage is being lost throughout the world due to globalization, resulting in loss of local identity and knowledge
The world is losing its knowledge and local identity, because we are losing our heritage and ways of living due to development and globalization

9- Equity and fair trade
Life is not fair, the countries that developed have some people that are poor, but the world cant find places to produce or sell.

10- Health and happiness
Wealth and happiness has diverged, so the basis of well-being is just confused.

Cool cities in the USA

1. Seattle: They reduced global warming pollution by more than 60 percent by constructing green buildings and operating alternative fuel vehicles.
2. Washington DC: DC has replaced 414 of its polluting diesel buses with buses that burn natural gases.
3. Houston: convert a substantial portion of the city of fleet of cars and trucks.
4. Marion County/Florida: they use gas-electric hybrid vehicles.
5. The city of Scottsdale: has introduced Arizona’s first green building program which helps builders and home owners learn about how to integrate energy efficiency and water saving.
6. Salt Lake City: they changed 861 traffic lights to LED light signals.
7. Colorado: is working to produce 50 percent of the city electricity with renewable energy by 2017.
8. Charlotte: they switched from a gas only Ford Taurus to a hybrid Toyota Prius or Honda Civic and that would save city taxpayers approximately $800-1200 per vehicle including over $400 in annual fuel cost.
9. Twin Falls/ Idaho: Reduce energy cost and cut pollution by increasing the energy efficiency of its 11 schools.
10. St. Paul: they use a system that uses heat drawn from a biomass-fired power plant.

Abu Dhabi is a Cool City

Abu Dhabi, my city is very advanced in a lot of views, but there's something missing. It's because we have a very developed way of life so we emit a lot of CO2 which causes global warming. That means our carbon footprint is very high here in Abu Dhabi. However, Abu Dhabi now in the right way to be a Cool city because it's start to aware the people about the danger of global warming and also it's start to build the new project that reduce the rate of CO2 or even building new city without CO2 or any kind of other pollution like Masdar city which will be a cool city in Abu Dhabi that made a CO2 free city, and clean technology, and they also use solar energy.

Why I would like to live in Masdar city

I would like to live in Masdar's city because it basically will be a CO2 free city, and also use clean technology, and they also use solar energy so living there will be the best choice for me to live. A further point is that I'm sure that building cities like Masdar's city will help the young generation to live happy and healthy life because Masdar's city will be environmentally friendly. Finally, I know it will be a totally different experience for me to live there and I will change my lifestyle to live there. However, although I know it will be not easy for me to live there, but I will be ready for this challenge.

Monday, May 26, 2008

My Carbon Footprint

Nowadays there are some new problems which emerged with the technology and the development. Some of these new problems threaten our societies which mean we should move quickly and try to solve it very fast. One of these dangerous problems is the carbon footprint which is the marks that the Human left when they do their activities in and effect on the pollution, it is also known as greenhouse gases, usually reported as weight of carbon dioxide. As a growing people we should help to solve these problems. In this essay I will write about some of my activities which effects on the environments and make the carbon footprint, and also I will talk about some of my possible solutions.

Unfortunately, I do a lot of activities that contribute on the carbon footprint like driving me car for long hours which harm the atmosphere by emitting CO2 while I move around the city. Another harmful activity for the environment is that I use the technology a lot like spending a lot of hours on the computer or letting the A.C working for long hours. Also, in the past i burned some of the trash in the family farm which is contributes on the pollution.

On the other hand, there are also a lot of possible solutions. One of these solution is that I will stop burning anything forever because now I know I could contributes on the pollution unintentionally. Another solution is that I will not drive my car like I used to in the past and I will drive it only when I really need it. Yet another solution is that I could tell my family and my friends about the danger of the global warming and how it's contributes on the pollution.

In conclusion, I think we could solve any problem that face us if we stand together and try our best because it's never too late.

My Profile

In the beginning let me talk about my self. My name is Khalifa Mohamed Salem AL-Hosani and I was born in Abu Dhabi in 07\11\1988. I lived all my life in AL-Shahama City which is located in the middle of the road between Abu Dhabi and Dubai. When I was child I spent a lot of time to play and have fun with my friends in the Kindergartens and with my Neighbors and especially with my brothers. I don't remember a lot of thing when I was child but I think I spent a wonderful time because all what I was thinking of is have fun so I think I was selfish because I was always thinking about my self like all the children. I have a big family because I have three brothers and six sisters and I am the smallest one, some people will find this strange because we are big family but I think I am lucky to have eight brothers because some people doesn’t have any brothers. All my sisters are married and they had children and my biggest brother married also, but my older brother is still study like me but I am studying in the college and he studying in the university.

When I was a teenager, a lot of things have changed, such as my feelings, the modes of my thinking and my way to speak with people even my way to communicate with people. I started trying to rely on myself to let my family know that I am a big man now. The worst thing at this stage of my life is that I spent a longer time with my friends outside the home and away from my family and we used to go to many places and trips, so my family was always worried about me of being in one of the problems or troubles because I was away from them but I was very careful to don't make any troubles. Although I like to have fun and go outside my home I try my best keep my relationships with my family excellent because we care about each others and I love all my family. In fact, I care also about my duties in the live and my future which including my studies so I organized my time to make the balance between work and fun times.

I have traveled to few places and all of them were in the gulf countries like Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar and Kuwait which it was my favorite country. I went to Saudi Arabia, Oman and Qatar when I was children so I don't know much information about them, but I went to Kuwait several times so I know many things about Kuwait like the weather, their people, their customs and traditions and their famous places. In fact I used to go to Kuwait once every year at least because I have relatives there and I like to visit them every year. My last visit to Kuwait was in the last summer and I stayed there two weeks. On the other hand I like to go in many trips especially here in the United Arab Emirates because there are many beautiful places here.

There are many things I would like to do it in my free time such as watching movies, watching football matches, play playstation2 or play computer games even swimming if I have enough time to go to the sea. Watching football matches is my best favorite hobby especially Real Madrid matches because I love this club from a very long time and because he is the best club in the world. Although I have watched hundreds of movies but I would never forget two movies which I consider them as my best two movies and the two movies is The Gladiator and 300. If I hade the chance I would love to learn about designing websites and pictures because I would love to have a website and design it.

When I was children some thing happened to me and has influenced in my life and that’s I conducted surgery in my head. One day, while I was at home with my brother we heard voice one of small cats on the roof of our house and we were children and we were love the animals so we decided to help the small cat. Then we climbed the roof of the house and in the middle of the way to the house roof I decided to go to the ground because I was afraid of my father becomes angry and punished me, But In a strange way my feet slipped and I fell down on my head and I was serious injury. After a few minutes my brother took me quickly to the hospital where I conducted surgery after I has lost a lot of blood, after a few hours I finish my surgery and I was very happy because I was still a live and I thanks my god because I was still alive. Since that accident, I become very afraid of the high places.

In the future I want to be a businessman because I think when I will finish my education and get some experience then I can do the business in all over the world even I can travel wherever I want and start my business. If I could change anything in the UAE I would like to change the Oil prices which it have become very expensive prices compared with the prices in the gulf countries.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Nowadays there are some important problems which face the world and the society. Unfortunately, we have some serious problems that we should try to solve like Global Warming and Carbon Footprint. These problems emerged with the technology and the development. In the past here in the UAE the people were using the technology without thinking of the consequences that will happen to the environment by using the new technology, but now every thing has change because now the people here in Abu Dhabi have start to be critical thinkers by doing some new plans and project to solve these problems, for example Abu Dhabi preparing to build a new city called Masdar which will be CO2 free city.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Global Warming Solution

What should be done in Abu Dhabi to make people more aware of the situation?

1- Abu Dhabi should teach the local people more about the danger of Global warming.

2- Abu Dhabi should try to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and the technology.

3- Abu Dhabi should start to use solar energy.

4- Abu Dhabi could organize campaign to clean vehicles, buildings and electricity grid to cut carbon emissions and curb global warming.

5- Abu Dhabi could recycle the trash and use it again rather than burning it which Contributes to pollution.

6- Abu Dhabi could talk about the global warming in the TV, radio and the newspaper to show the society the danger of the global warming.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Why is it called "An Inconvenient Truth"?

It's called "An Inconvenient Truth" because it's true problem facing the world but the biggest problem is that nobody wants to hear about this problem or doing anything to solve this problem because we like our lifestyle and we don’t want to bother ourselves to solve this problem or change anything in our life.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Critical Thinking PowerPoint

My Reaction on An Inconvenient Truth Movie

The movie made a big impact on how I think. I now rethink when I want to go out for a drive, because I make a big difference in the atmosphere when I emit CO2 just moving around the city. I want to make some differences in the way I live and try to change other people also. When I heard about this new city called Masdar City, I didn’t think it was very important, but AlGore changed my mind. I am really proud to be in a country that made a CO2 free city, and clean technology, and they also use solar energy.

An Inconvenient Truth Summary

In the movie An Inconvenient Truth the former United States vice president Al Gore speaks about one of the most important things in our life which is "Global Warming". Al Gore also detects his predictions regarding climate change and its potential for catastrophe. Al Gore also mentioned a lot of important points in his movie like the natures beauty when he starts his movie with the river scene. But the most important point that he stated in his movie were the risks of global warming because it is causing a lot of damage to nature, such as melting glaciers throughout the world which had an adverse impact on water levels and seas throughout the world by raising the sea levels by approximately 20 feet which flood coastal areas and produc 100 million refugees. The melting glaciers also have bad effect on the animals that live in the Antarctic and cold regions because of the high temperature. The movie shows us that the human are responsible of global warming, for example, when we use the vehicles, it produces CO2 which causes global warming. Al Gore also show us in his movie that a lot of places have been changing over the time especially the lakes, rivers and springs which causes a lot of problems for the people who live near them. He also mentioned another problem when his sister died from lung cancer, then his father realized his mistake and he stop growing tobacco, so Al Gore wanted to show us that the people should learn from their mistakes and start to change. Finally, Al Gore also spoke about some possible solutions that can solve the global warming problem.

My Reaction on Blood Diamonds Movie

This movie has a very strong story of what minor things have more value than what we think. We take things for granted and we don’t know how people suffer to get it. The hero in the movie shows the value of family and hard work. And sometimes we make people suffer more so we could feel better. Because sometimes the money go to the military that take over countries and take away peoples freedom. And the hero shows the true meaning of a true father. He would not let go of his son and family and didn’t give up on his country.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Conflicts Diamond

The diamonds is the most beautiful stone in the world and of course it's the most expensive stone. Some people love diamonds more than anything especially the girls and women because they think if they wear it they would be very beautiful, as they say, diamonds is a girls best friend. but the problem is some of these women don't know how these diamonds came or from where they came. Some of these diamonds cause a lot of damage or some times it becomes the reason to kill someone, or even conflict war. that’s called " Conflicts Diamond " which I will write about it in this essay.

There are a lot of diamond-producing countries around the world like Botswana, South Africa, Angola, Russia and Canada. Although Antwerp has been a diamond centre for 600 years, they import the majority of their diamonds from Africa where it's the most diamond-producing continents. Unfortunately there are a lot of poor people around the world worked in this business to provide the food for their family. These diamond miners spend a lot of hours daily struggling searching for the diamond although they get very small salary. Sometimes these diamond miners who work in dangerous places became victims of crossfire between Rebel groups. These groups use the money from selling diamonds that came by diamond miners to buy guns and other military hardware.

We should know everything about that what we want to buy before we buy it because we could help these murders and the Rebel groups unintentionally. We should know that not everything shining is perfect. And to not take anything for granted.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Monday, March 10, 2008


In this report I will write about one of the most famous countries in the Middle East, this country is "Lebanon" or as it's called in the bible "the land of milk and honey". Lebanon is one of the most beautiful countries in Asia and it has some wonderful sites there. Lebanon's capital is Beirut or as it's known there "Paris of the East".

Lebanon is a small country but it has a good location because it's placed in the heart of the Middle East, and it's surrounded of some famous countries like Syria, Turkey, Cyprus Jordan and Palestine or as its known now as new Israel. Lebanon has suffered a lot from the wars because there were long civil wars during the 1975 until 1990. Lebanon also has a bad history between the people who live there because there were problems and tensions between the Muslims and the Christian who lived there. This problem starts in 1943 when the Lebanese Christians held more power on running the country more than the Lebanese Muslims. Unfortunately this problem boiled over when some Christian group called "The Phalange" attacked and killed a bus full of Palestinian in Beirut which leaded to vengence. These wars causes a lot of damages to the country because there were about 150000-200000 people killed during the civil war and 300000 were wounded, a lot of people left the country. Away from the wars and problems, Lebanon also is related to some famous stars like the singer Shakira who's half-Lebanese and the famous actor Keanu Reeves who was born there.

Nowadays Lebanon lives in peace after the Israeli army pulled out in 2000, and in 2005 Syrian forces also pulled out after 29 years of occupation. Although there were problems and tensions between Muslims and Christians in the past, now they used to live together in an amazing mixture of backgrounds and religious groups. But now there are new problem faced the Lebanese which is the living there now is very expensive and there are air pollution.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Somali human traders face death

A senior Somali official has told the news that the death penalty will be implemented against people smugglers operating off the north of the country. Every year almost 1500 msn of these people suffer hardship three-day sea journey to get out of Somalia in search of new hope for life. Unfortunately there are thousands of these msn that drowned in the ocean often. The important thing is that President Mohammed Muse Hersi said the death penalty would be henceforth to be used against the human traders.